This space is still under construction!
It's supposed to be my little corner for more generically personal stuff I'm not really into posting elsewhere, so enjoy!
About me?
Hi! I'm Mero and I'm a gamedev!
That is to say, I'm holding onto this profession with tooth and nail cause goddamnit the industry sucks so bad.
Currently professionally I'm working with VR which is fine but (personally) I think VR is mostly a fad.
Couple fun facts about me I guess:
- My favorite game series are Zero Escape and Xenoblade, but I can't decide on an actual favorite game...
Speaking of which, SOME of my favorite games are:
- Va11-Hall-A
- Outer Wilds
- Paradise Killer
- Spark the Electric Jester 3
- Virtue's Last Reward
- ...and others. Probably gonna talk more abt them on the games section. Eventually.
- I'm around my late 20s
- I have a kitty named Akane that's her down there on the pic.
- I'm gay AND ace 🌈â™
- I've been trying since 2022 to read a lot of gay fantasy books, it's been going pretty great.
- My favorite pokemon are probably mawile and empoleon!
- I used to say that I love videogames as an artform more than I should, and that's probably still true

Here's a pic of my baby for the trouble of coming over!