Smoke and Ashes by Tanya Huff

The last of the "Smoke and ____" trilogy! And honestly? Probably my favourite.
This series has been all about mixing horror and supernatural elements with fun and kinda comedic narration and characters, and of the 3 books this was the least outright horror, which suited me just fine.
That less horror lean means this book reads more like an adventure than the previous two, which, granted, were still decently light hearted and adventure-y, but this one felt a touch more open ended in its adventure than the previous two, which was nice!
Open ended to say that while there was still "a big bad thing" to deal with, this book's "bad thing" was dealt with progressively throughout the whole story and not mainly at the climax, which was a fun change of pace! That coupled with this book's focus on Tony, the protag, going around and more efficiently using and learning magic and growing as a wizard gave the story a sense of buildup different from the good old "we're gonna have this big confrontation at the end!!!" which felt really good to read through.

There is still a big fight at the end though. Of course.

This book, as the final book in the trilogy (and the whole Henry Fitzroy universe too) also wraps up things very nicely! Most characters are given stuff to do, including some of the smaller characters from the previous books, and the ending felt very satisfying even if it did leave space for more stories to be told.
I ended the book really wanting to spend more time in that world, but at the same time fully satisfied with what we got! I am a touch sad that there's nothing left to read here though. These books were very fun.